"Could not create connection to app.comet-server.ru: error code:".$e1."(".$e2.")", "error" => true); } else { $str1 = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: app.comet-server.ru\r\n\r\n"; if( fputs($f, $str1, strlen($str1) ) === false) { $resTest[] = Array("info" => "fputs error on app.comet-server.ru", "error" => true); } else { $tmp = fgets($f); $resTest[] = Array("info" => "OK", "error" => false); } } $f = fsockopen("googl.com", 80,$e1,$e2); if(!$f) { $resTest[] = Array("info" => "Could not create a connection to googl.com: error code:".$e1."(".$e2.")", "error" => true); } else { $str1 = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: googl.com\r\n\r\n"; if( fputs($f, $str1, strlen($str1) ) === false) { $resTest[] = Array("info" => "fputs error on googl.com", "error" => true); } else { $tmp = fgets($f); $resTest[] = Array("info" => "OK", "error" => false); } } $f = fsockopen("yandex.ru", 80,$e1,$e2); if(!$f) { $resTest[] = Array("info" => "Failed to create connection to yandex.ru: error code:".$e1."(".$e2.")", "error" => true); } else { $str1 = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: yandex.ru\r\n\r\n"; if( fputs($f, $str1, strlen($str1) ) === false) { $resTest[] = Array("info" => "fputs error on yandex.ru", "error" => true); } else { $tmp = fgets($f); $resTest[] = Array("info" => "OK", "error" => false); } } $link = mysqli_connect("app.comet-server.ru", "15", "lPXBFPqNg3f661JcegBY0N0dPXqUBdHXqj2cHf04PZgLHxT6z55e20ozojvMRvB8", "CometQL_v1"); if(!$link) { $resTest[] = Array("info" => "Could not create a connection with CometQL (Using CometQL is not possible)", "error" => true); } else { $result = mysqli_query ( $link, "show status" ); if(mysqli_errno($link) != 0 && @mysqli_num_rows($result)) { $resTest[] = Array("info" => "Error code:".mysqli_errno($link)."  Error text:".mysqli_error($link)."", "error" => true); } else { $resTest[] = Array("info" => "OK", "error" => false); } } ?>

Hosting check

";}else{echo "";} echo $resTest[0]["info"]."
\n"; if($resTest[1]["error"]){ echo "";}else{echo "";} echo $resTest[1]["info"]."
\n"; if($resTest[2]["error"]){ echo "";}else{echo "";} echo $resTest[2]["info"]."
\n"; if($resTest[4]["error"]){ echo "";}else{echo "";} echo $resTest[3]["info"]."
\n"; ?>