EN::12-Examples::005-PHP chat example Header: PHP chat example ====== PHP chat example ====== An example of using the [[https://github.com/CppComet/comet-server|CppComet]] server to create a chat. * [[https://jsfiddle.net/Levhav/o35kvmn2/17/|jsfiddle.net online demo]] * [[https://github.com/CppComet/php-chat-example|Github repo]] {{ :en:comet:chat.gif |chat demo}} ====== Scheme of chat ====== Typical scheme of chat: {{ :en:comet:scheme-of-chat.jpg |Typical scheme of chat}} * Connecting to the comet server by websockets * Send ajax message for add new massage to chat * Send message to CppComet * CppComet send messages for all subscribers in pipe * Add message to database (optional) ====== Step 1. Connecting to the comet server ====== [[https://github.com/CppComet/comet-server|CppComet]] has cloud saas alternative that can be used for testing and demo access. In the following examples I will use demonstration access from https://comet-server.com for those who could not or were too lazy to [[https://github.com/CppComet/comet-server#building-from-source|deploy the server on their VPS]] Login: 15 Password:lPXBFPqNg3f661JcegBY0N0dPXqUBdHXqj2cHf04PZgLHxT6z55e20ozojvMRvB8 Host: app.comet-server.ru To connect to the comet server from the JavaScript API, use the following command: cometApi.start({node:"app.comet-server.ru", dev_id:15}) * in parameter node - set hostname of your own server * parameter dev_id - use only if you use saas service comet-server.com ====== Step 2. Send message to server ====== * Send ajax query to php back-end * Send CometQL query for comet server [[https://github.com/CppComet/php-chat-example/blob/master/chat.php|code of php back-end]] Connection code to CppComet using MySQL protocol: $host = "app.comet-server.ru"; $user = "15"; $password = "lPXBFPqNg3f661JcegBY0N0dPXqUBdHXqj2cHf04PZgLHxT6z55e20ozojvMRvB8"; $comet = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $password, "CometQL_v1"); The code for sending a message to the pipe "simplechat" and event 'newMessage': $query = "INSERT INTO pipes_messages (name, event, message)VALUES('simplechat', 'newMessage', '".$msg."')"; mysqli_query($comet, $query); ====== Step 3. Receive message from comet server ====== Subscription code to the pipe on comet server. This callback will be called when somebody sends message into channel `simplechat` cometApi.subscription("simplechat.newMessage", function(event){ $("#web_chat").append(''+HtmlEncode(event.data.name)+'') $("#web_chat").append('
') $("#web_chat").append('
') })
====== Full chat code ====== ====== Links ====== * [[en:comet:javascript_api|JavaScript API]] * [[en:comet:cometql|CometQL API]] * [[https://jsfiddle.net/o35kvmn2/5/|Online demo]] * [[https://github.com/CppComet/comet-server|CppComet]] * [[https://www.codeproject.com/script/Articles/ArticleVersion.aspx?waid=235463&aid=1181698|Creating a simple chat using CppComet]]