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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

====== Install ====== Recommended OS ubuntu, debian, centos <code sh> apt-get update apt-get install cmake make cpp gcc libssl-dev g++ nginx libmysqlclient-dev mysql-server mysql-client flex mailutils uuid-dev </code> ====== Building it from source code ====== <code sh> git clone cd comet-server cmake . make </code> ====== Settings ====== CppComet use mysql database for storage users credentials for authorization on server. And to store the time when the user was on the online. And for storing temporary data, such as undelivered messages and other data. * Create a database in mysql based on [[|db.sql]] file * In comet.conf file, set the details to access the database <code txt> db_host # The server address database db_pw pass # Password db_user comet # User db_port 3306 # Port db_name comet_db # database name </code> Enter the password to access the comet-server api <code txt> password 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 </code> ====== Launch ====== Run in console mode <code sh> ./cpp_comet </code> Running in daemon mode <code sh> systemctl start comet.service </code> ===== Add to Startup ===== <code sh>cp ./comet.service /etc/systemd/system systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable comet.service</code> After successes run server we can begin create chat. If you get error create issue in [[|github repository]].


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